Tax planning

Corporation Tax is a hot topic. Confirmation that the government will press ahead with an increase in the rate of Corporation Tax to 25% means that effective tax mitigation strategies for businesses are even more important.

Corporation Tax mitigation

With increasing complexity, constantly changing compliance requirements and new anti-avoidance legislation, it’s an area that’s difficult but vital to get right.

Minimising your Corporation Tax exposure has the potential to significantly improve your bottom line. We can help ensure you’ve got the right structure in place and that you’re making the most of the tax-saving opportunities available, from pension contributions to research and development tax credits, and everything in between.

Shareholding director remuneration

Our review of your plans will also consider whether your remuneration strategy is ensuring the best possible tax position for your shareholding directors. Are they taking advantage of all available schemes, allowances and reliefs? Could a different combination of salary, dividends and pension contributions achieve an even lower effective rate of Income Tax?

Through constant review, we’ll ensure the optimal tax-planning approach for your shareholding directors.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.

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